Realism and Perspective
realism is an improtant aspect of our sense of ethics as citizens in a world in which images proliferate as forms of communication and expression. when you look at art you and me as humans beings now whats real and whats not, but what we dont know is in abstract images and art movements have in many cases incorporated some elements of realism(emphasixing the materiality of point)for example while explicity rejecting other elements stroungly associted with realism perspective for example decribge them as trickery or illusionism so realism and abstract is not clear yet to know whats real at first when we view.
A example of realism in visual arts field is that the realist image depicts something as it would be seen by your eye. we always didnt look at art like a painting or scuptor. art never had a meaning before it was dont for example early christian art was used as away of communication or expression as time goes bye many poeple start to look at christan art as a manuscript as a function of expression of religious meanings. in many country art starting to become real like realism in 200 bce china chii dynasty was beared with his army each solider made of clay, and very different each solider different there was 7,500 soliders life size they were beared with him as a sign of protection to their emporer. art torned from something little or no meaning to something many different cultures use differently.
visual codes and historical meaning
As time goes by visual codes and historical maning change and we tend to look at images from the past differently. a viewer may make assumptions about the date of an images based not only on its content bu also on its style, medium and formal qualities. many things were used then that are used today that tells us how old a piece of art or photo real age is for example a photograph of julia margaret cameron, phmana portrailt of alice liddell,1872 inside this photo its tone is a sofe brown not used today in photos also now as sophia toning a process using a chemical secreated from cuttlefish, this made the print more resisiant to the process of decompostion over time, this toning would last longer than the black and white look. this type of chemical make the photo look atleast 50 years old maybe older, so when we look at a photo we can really tell whats real and how old somthing is by looking at it.
Pre Raphaelites and the neoclassiccities revided and reproduced an earlier set of approaches to the representation of human form, and in so doing drew on older forms and meaning to make new meaning in there comtemperary text. the term realism refers to a set of conventions or a style of art or representation that is understood at a given historical moment to accurately represent nature or the real or to convey or interpret accurate or unversal meanings about people, objects and events in the world. the goal to realist are is to represent what is seen infron of you for you to reproduce that. but in realism there is no universal standard and ideas about what constitues realism can also vary dramatically.
The perpective of the body and space in between shows how intestinly challenging it is for geometric perpective this is the length and space between eyes and hands have they have to be on point so for an artist to do this it can be very tricky to reproduce that realism they way that it is show that is why realism can be seen in so many different ways. also another thing you need to keep into consideration is when you are trying to put of whats in front of you like reproducing realism as you glance to turn you will notice inside your art you caught what your eye glances at you its very important to have nothing around while trying to produce the realism of something that way your eyes and brain only concetrartes on that pieace not several other things around. so do you think reproducing realism is trick or do you find puting it on paper easy? try and see what happen when you have things around you notice you work look deap inside it and notice shapes and colors of thing around you will contrast in your art.
-hedy rodriguez
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The Gaze And The Others
The Gaza and the others
many advertisment use art inside their advertisments, also many of there arts are from the colonial era. Advertisments use naked women or half dressed women to sell their products such as the guess advertisment which was publised in the 1990's. This advertisment is for guess jeans and they use women who are revealed as workers in asia working in the rice paddies fields. these women are not even wearing jeans they are wearing bathing suits suits with high stokings and boots. guess jeans use these women to show that sexy women wear them but in the advertisment thier not. advertisments have been trying to give exotic experiences to their viewers that you can be whats in there advertisment. when you can not every indiviual is different.
many advertisments make there audience gaza at its viewers this makes us as vieawers direct it straight to us. An example of this is an advertisment by keri lotion the remake of ingres la grande odalisque 2006. this advertisment is a copy byjean auguste dominique, ingres la grand odalisque 1814. inside the oringinal photo is was a photo of napolean bonapartas sister the queen of naples. this photo was represented in every french salon after its completion. this painting gained a critical reception after its completion.this painting gained a critical reception , because the queen lost her empire before the painting was finished and had a forgo ownershipof the work. this photo became very poplular because it complete many sexuak pleasures so, ingres new version of the art is used to comple sexual pleasure showing women today that they can be sexy and smoth if they use this lotion they can be the girl on display. keri lotion brings forth the mens attention too because all the men in the world would want there girlfriends or wife to be that smothe and slim. not all but majoritywhat women dont know about the adveritments are that the producers of these products want to draw you attention so they bring out that image to get your attention so you as a viwer would buy their products. in the oringinal photo published in 1814 so the way the actual women should look in real life not the one displayed in 2006.
over the many years many women got upset at the fact that women needed to be naked to get in the photos. so a group of female artist activist decided to make fun of man they put the naked womens body displayed from keri lotion with the face of a gorilla writing in bug letters do women have to be naked to get into the met. meseum? stating the less than 3% of the artist in the modern art sections are women, but 83% of the nudes are female. these women reahced out and made there point out across the world why are the all of them naked it makes no sensen were artist obsessed with the nudeness of a womens body around that time.
gender and gaze has also been a crucial concept of gaze. in the hisory of art the fact that paintings were for the most part geared towards male vieawers. griselda pollock has noted in her work on modernity and the spaces of femininity, had as much to do iwth the commerce of art as it did with the social roles and sexual sterotypeof men and women. inside many painting and adverisment the gaza of looking at self along with looking directly at viewers are mulveys theory, the camera or painter is used as a tool of voyurism and sadism, disempowering those before it look. male gaza is never seen so many thorist are starting to examine the male gaza.
many advertisment use art inside their advertisments, also many of there arts are from the colonial era. Advertisments use naked women or half dressed women to sell their products such as the guess advertisment which was publised in the 1990's. This advertisment is for guess jeans and they use women who are revealed as workers in asia working in the rice paddies fields. these women are not even wearing jeans they are wearing bathing suits suits with high stokings and boots. guess jeans use these women to show that sexy women wear them but in the advertisment thier not. advertisments have been trying to give exotic experiences to their viewers that you can be whats in there advertisment. when you can not every indiviual is different.
many advertisments make there audience gaza at its viewers this makes us as vieawers direct it straight to us. An example of this is an advertisment by keri lotion the remake of ingres la grande odalisque 2006. this advertisment is a copy byjean auguste dominique, ingres la grand odalisque 1814. inside the oringinal photo is was a photo of napolean bonapartas sister the queen of naples. this photo was represented in every french salon after its completion. this painting gained a critical reception after its completion.this painting gained a critical reception , because the queen lost her empire before the painting was finished and had a forgo ownershipof the work. this photo became very poplular because it complete many sexuak pleasures so, ingres new version of the art is used to comple sexual pleasure showing women today that they can be sexy and smoth if they use this lotion they can be the girl on display. keri lotion brings forth the mens attention too because all the men in the world would want there girlfriends or wife to be that smothe and slim. not all but majoritywhat women dont know about the adveritments are that the producers of these products want to draw you attention so they bring out that image to get your attention so you as a viwer would buy their products. in the oringinal photo published in 1814 so the way the actual women should look in real life not the one displayed in 2006.
over the many years many women got upset at the fact that women needed to be naked to get in the photos. so a group of female artist activist decided to make fun of man they put the naked womens body displayed from keri lotion with the face of a gorilla writing in bug letters do women have to be naked to get into the met. meseum? stating the less than 3% of the artist in the modern art sections are women, but 83% of the nudes are female. these women reahced out and made there point out across the world why are the all of them naked it makes no sensen were artist obsessed with the nudeness of a womens body around that time.
gender and gaze has also been a crucial concept of gaze. in the hisory of art the fact that paintings were for the most part geared towards male vieawers. griselda pollock has noted in her work on modernity and the spaces of femininity, had as much to do iwth the commerce of art as it did with the social roles and sexual sterotypeof men and women. inside many painting and adverisment the gaza of looking at self along with looking directly at viewers are mulveys theory, the camera or painter is used as a tool of voyurism and sadism, disempowering those before it look. male gaza is never seen so many thorist are starting to examine the male gaza.
Friday, March 6, 2009
modernity is a term that schlors use to refer to the hisorical, cultural ,political, and economical conditions related to the enlightenment (An eighteenth- century philosophical movement) the rise of industrial society and scientific rationalism and the idea of controlling nature through technology,science and rationalism. modernization was part of instituting a capitalist economy and a liberal democacy in the united states , for the soviet union modernization in the form of industrialization and technolological advancementwas tied to a communist echos of eqaul benefit and living conditions for all citizens.
modern means many different meaning in culture and in years we use the term modern in an everyday sense to mean present or recent times or to refer to contemporary views and fashions. when it comes to art and culture germain scholar jurgen habermas explains that the concept of the modern jas been used over and overagain by societies since along time ago as late as the fifth century. modernity reached its highest during the nineteenth century and early tweentieth century with the increasing movement of poplulation from rural areas into cities.
also,many of the experiences of modernity increased urbanization, industrialism,along with technological change was linked tremendously to industrial capitalism that was supported by the ideological faith in the changes as being integral to the progress it has made. many cities are rated as different types of modern as for example new york ,chicago and paris are considered quintessentially modern, defined by architecture that capiture the echos of modernity by the usings of high tech materials such as metal and glass.
many modern ideals of the early twentieth century that master nature are made of iron,steel,glass and machine-like stuctures. one example that i think is amazing that was never built only a painting of it that you can see is made by vladimir tatlins monument to the third imternational, the modeling of this sculptor is amazing its 1,312 feet high the stucture itself consisted of a metal spirals frame at an angel thats amazings the shape of the sculptor is a cone and cube type figure. Tatlin the artist of this sculptor wanted to create the technologies the soviet unoin wanted to create in there time of transitions from scultors to arttist to poets,novels and film the world an street of many cities where becoming the age of life , with everything changing and the streets becoming busyier than ever this changed life for many individuals the new era opened up jobs the thousands of worker giving them a chance to make something of themselfs along with making money along with a career to follow around that.
The term spectatorship (indivdual who looks) and the spectatorship ( the practices of looking)
have added meaning that deprive specifically from film theory. not only do the spectator gaze that is contributed theough relationship between the subjects.the concept of gaze and spectatorship remain importantconrnerstones of visual studies because they prove a set of terms and methods to which is considered a aspect of looking or the viewer allowing us to consider in depth. The terms and mehtods are 1) the roles of the unconscious and desire in viewing practices. 2)the role of looking in the formation of the human subject as such. 3) the ways the looking is always a relational activity and not simply a mental activity engaged in by someone who forms internal mental representations that stand for passive image object"out there"
Disurse and power in modernity
In modernity, the gaze is constitued through a relationship of subjects defined within and through the discourse of institutions. the modern state and political systems that are dependent on bureaucracise and social instituions to function are important aspect of modernity. facaults concept of discourse is helpful to understanding how power systems work to define how things are under stood and spoken about. one of focaults topics of study for discourse was the concept of madness and the modern instuyionalzation of the idea of insanity.focalts has study many unhealthy things that human beings show that changed the world into its modern state.
-Hedy Rodriguez
modernity is a term that schlors use to refer to the hisorical, cultural ,political, and economical conditions related to the enlightenment (An eighteenth- century philosophical movement) the rise of industrial society and scientific rationalism and the idea of controlling nature through technology,science and rationalism. modernization was part of instituting a capitalist economy and a liberal democacy in the united states , for the soviet union modernization in the form of industrialization and technolological advancementwas tied to a communist echos of eqaul benefit and living conditions for all citizens.
modern means many different meaning in culture and in years we use the term modern in an everyday sense to mean present or recent times or to refer to contemporary views and fashions. when it comes to art and culture germain scholar jurgen habermas explains that the concept of the modern jas been used over and overagain by societies since along time ago as late as the fifth century. modernity reached its highest during the nineteenth century and early tweentieth century with the increasing movement of poplulation from rural areas into cities.
also,many of the experiences of modernity increased urbanization, industrialism,along with technological change was linked tremendously to industrial capitalism that was supported by the ideological faith in the changes as being integral to the progress it has made. many cities are rated as different types of modern as for example new york ,chicago and paris are considered quintessentially modern, defined by architecture that capiture the echos of modernity by the usings of high tech materials such as metal and glass.
many modern ideals of the early twentieth century that master nature are made of iron,steel,glass and machine-like stuctures. one example that i think is amazing that was never built only a painting of it that you can see is made by vladimir tatlins monument to the third imternational, the modeling of this sculptor is amazing its 1,312 feet high the stucture itself consisted of a metal spirals frame at an angel thats amazings the shape of the sculptor is a cone and cube type figure. Tatlin the artist of this sculptor wanted to create the technologies the soviet unoin wanted to create in there time of transitions from scultors to arttist to poets,novels and film the world an street of many cities where becoming the age of life , with everything changing and the streets becoming busyier than ever this changed life for many individuals the new era opened up jobs the thousands of worker giving them a chance to make something of themselfs along with making money along with a career to follow around that.
The term spectatorship (indivdual who looks) and the spectatorship ( the practices of looking)
have added meaning that deprive specifically from film theory. not only do the spectator gaze that is contributed theough relationship between the subjects.the concept of gaze and spectatorship remain importantconrnerstones of visual studies because they prove a set of terms and methods to which is considered a aspect of looking or the viewer allowing us to consider in depth. The terms and mehtods are 1) the roles of the unconscious and desire in viewing practices. 2)the role of looking in the formation of the human subject as such. 3) the ways the looking is always a relational activity and not simply a mental activity engaged in by someone who forms internal mental representations that stand for passive image object"out there"
Disurse and power in modernity
In modernity, the gaze is constitued through a relationship of subjects defined within and through the discourse of institutions. the modern state and political systems that are dependent on bureaucracise and social instituions to function are important aspect of modernity. facaults concept of discourse is helpful to understanding how power systems work to define how things are under stood and spoken about. one of focaults topics of study for discourse was the concept of madness and the modern instuyionalzation of the idea of insanity.focalts has study many unhealthy things that human beings show that changed the world into its modern state.
-Hedy Rodriguez
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