Reading images as idelogical subjects,
Taste can often be seen as ideology, socieites functions by looking at idelology as its natural system of their values an beliefs of that picture or image, when viewing are own ideologys its hard when looking at others it comes to us as common sense.
ideology is seen today in karl marxs theory, his theory states "that ananlyzes both the role of economics in the porgress of history and the ways that capitalism works in terms of class realtions" in other words for us to understand marxs term- the dominant social classes that own or control the newspaper,television, film and communication industries are able to control the content generated by these media forms. There are two significant alterantions to marxist theory 1 st was louis althusser statement of what it is - ideology represents the imaginary relationship of indivduals to their real conditions of existence.
In are world without ideology we would have no means of thinking about or expericencing that thing we call reality. ideoloty is necessary for our means or reality to understnd what around us. ideology speaks to us as readers and brings us to authors so we can understand the subjects that addressed to us. Its very important for us as human beings to think of the term ideology as plural . An italian marxist, Antonio gramsci, introduced the concept of hegemony in place of the concept of domination in order to help us to think about this kind of resistance.
The term hegemony emphasizes that power is not wielded by one class over another rather, power is negotiated among all classes of people. hegemonyis the push a pull method that push and pulls its way through all levels of society, not one single class "has" hegemony, rather, hegemony is a state or conditions of a culture arrived at through negotiations over meaning, laws and social relationships.
All images are encoded with meaning that is decoding by viewers. There are three methods of encoding and decoding .
#1 dominant - hegemonic reading
#2 negatiated reading
#3 oppostional reading
negotiation invokes the process of trade. today we think of it as a kind of bargaining over meaning that takes place among viewer, image and context. we use the term negotiation in a metaphorical sense to say that we often" haggle" with the dominant meaning of an image when we interpret it.
All of these different modes of engagment that i have listed are with popular culture introduced by stuart hall ( Dominant-hegemonic, negotiated, and oppositional.)
many images and pictures reapresent many meaning of our culture today for example on page 88 the advertisment ( juicy couture) uses idelolgy to draw out attention to the ways ideology draws us into consumption. the fact of this message in the advertisment shows us how juicy you can really be with the large consumption of alchol and diamonds and being famous, this message and images shows the world how different are age is from the ages of barthes. starting from are age era to the 1990's viewers who make meaning does not only through describing an experience with the image but also through reordering, redisplaying, and reusing images in new and differently meaningful ways in the reordering of everyday life.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Viewers Make Meaning PP49 Through 62
when you look at something do you look at the meaning of that advertisment or picture, every caputre has a meaning to it. when looking at the viewer you can understand a certain aspects of practices of looking that cannot be captured by examining the concept of the audience which is an important aspect of the act. interpellation -is another important aspect of viewing, to interpellate is to interrrupt a procedrue in order to question someone or something formally, as in a legal or gevernmental setting. This word was created in the political and media theorists in the 1970's who made the case that images interpellate viewers, around that time it showed what advertisments and picture called out to us. many advertisments do this on a daily basis, advertisments seek out you to interpellate viewer- consumers in consturcting them within "you" of the ad. many codes of meaning are used in advertisments. well to explain it to you the process of this interpellation, they are describing, an image or media text can bring out in the viewers "us" an experience of being hailed in ways that do not always promote a sense of being exactly the subject for whom the message is intended. viewers look at photography in a different way it can mean one thing to you and another meaning to another person like something that brings out love and romance you mite want to hold on to that photograpy because it give you that postive stimulus feeling inside.
producers intended meanings , who produces images, the major concept of this is major film producers or photographic producers. These producers look at the new age today and what people want to incourage them to want whats famouse like merdith levande explains in her excellent lecture about how sex sells will this is the same but visversia it flept you see not only does sex sell but what hot and famouse. For example lets look at new york city when you think of new york you think of big famouse almost like the city that never sleeps like vegas but more advertisment that what new york city is all about billboards big screen Tv's along with store along store its a chain of advertisment the world shows viewer the meaning that if they dont have that their dont popular , which make the world like it is today all about products and fancy cars or houses.
Aesthetics and Taste
Do you rember Growing up and your parents buying you something soo ugly and you would say they have no tast or dont know what in fasion today, well i do. Tast and Aesthetics are judgements about qulities such as beauty or coolness. when you think of Aesthletics you think about panting famouse art in general. Aesthetic reasons, we imply that the value of work resides in pleasure beauty, its style or the creative and technical virtuosity that went into in production.
Aesthetics have traditionally been associtated with philosopy and the arts. taste on the other hand is not smply a mattaer of individual interpretation. rather, taste is informed by experience realting to ones class. such as cultural backgrounds, education, and other aspects of identity,taste is another way to communicate it shows your identity the type of person you are. bourdrieu provided a description of tast and their origins in patterns of class distinctio. following when you say someone has good tast we may mean that they particitpate and are educated in middle-class or upper- class notion of what is aesthetically pleasing. Tast in this understanding, is something that can be something that can be learned throught contact and culture. through this we can see other cultures taste by which they like for example komar and melamid, italys most wanted painting along side the painting of a naked manaican and elvis which would be popular in america but not in italy i believe not. This also shows cultural change how different the world looks at art. throughout this reading bourdieu's theorys are used on the way viewers look at art using the word distinction, bourdieu established through extensive survey reasearch that taste is used by indivduals to enhance their postition within the social order and that distinction, is the means through which they establish thier tast as different from that of others by class. many people of higher class may find very beautful art good tast will other may find the stupid ugly things art. For example if you ever watched roseanne the tv show their is a painting a dogs playing poker they find that art their also considered lower class while her neighboor next door rich uses a large dallmation dog as a umberilla holder while her husband dan dosent understand the meaning of it that maybe its a news paper holder it shows the differents between fine art and middle class art. Bourdieu's theory goes on to explain that all aspects of life are interconnected and unified in what he called a habitus-a set of dispostitions and prefrences we share as social subjects that are related to our class postition and preferences we share as social subjects that are related to our class position, education, and social standing. this means are tast in art goes by the food we like along with the music we listen to like roseanne and her neighboor total opposites living in the same neighborhood i never got that but thats bourdiu's theory on how tast of things really are in the world.
-Heidi Rodriguez
producers intended meanings , who produces images, the major concept of this is major film producers or photographic producers. These producers look at the new age today and what people want to incourage them to want whats famouse like merdith levande explains in her excellent lecture about how sex sells will this is the same but visversia it flept you see not only does sex sell but what hot and famouse. For example lets look at new york city when you think of new york you think of big famouse almost like the city that never sleeps like vegas but more advertisment that what new york city is all about billboards big screen Tv's along with store along store its a chain of advertisment the world shows viewer the meaning that if they dont have that their dont popular , which make the world like it is today all about products and fancy cars or houses.
Aesthetics and Taste
Do you rember Growing up and your parents buying you something soo ugly and you would say they have no tast or dont know what in fasion today, well i do. Tast and Aesthetics are judgements about qulities such as beauty or coolness. when you think of Aesthletics you think about panting famouse art in general. Aesthetic reasons, we imply that the value of work resides in pleasure beauty, its style or the creative and technical virtuosity that went into in production.
Aesthetics have traditionally been associtated with philosopy and the arts. taste on the other hand is not smply a mattaer of individual interpretation. rather, taste is informed by experience realting to ones class. such as cultural backgrounds, education, and other aspects of identity,taste is another way to communicate it shows your identity the type of person you are. bourdrieu provided a description of tast and their origins in patterns of class distinctio. following when you say someone has good tast we may mean that they particitpate and are educated in middle-class or upper- class notion of what is aesthetically pleasing. Tast in this understanding, is something that can be something that can be learned throught contact and culture. through this we can see other cultures taste by which they like for example komar and melamid, italys most wanted painting along side the painting of a naked manaican and elvis which would be popular in america but not in italy i believe not. This also shows cultural change how different the world looks at art. throughout this reading bourdieu's theorys are used on the way viewers look at art using the word distinction, bourdieu established through extensive survey reasearch that taste is used by indivduals to enhance their postition within the social order and that distinction, is the means through which they establish thier tast as different from that of others by class. many people of higher class may find very beautful art good tast will other may find the stupid ugly things art. For example if you ever watched roseanne the tv show their is a painting a dogs playing poker they find that art their also considered lower class while her neighboor next door rich uses a large dallmation dog as a umberilla holder while her husband dan dosent understand the meaning of it that maybe its a news paper holder it shows the differents between fine art and middle class art. Bourdieu's theory goes on to explain that all aspects of life are interconnected and unified in what he called a habitus-a set of dispostitions and prefrences we share as social subjects that are related to our class postition and preferences we share as social subjects that are related to our class position, education, and social standing. this means are tast in art goes by the food we like along with the music we listen to like roseanne and her neighboor total opposites living in the same neighborhood i never got that but thats bourdiu's theory on how tast of things really are in the world.
-Heidi Rodriguez
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
"women,pop music,pornography"
Today i went to a lecture on women, pop music and pornogrphy, this lecture by meredith levande, teaches students like my self what the world and women are turning into today. levande taught me that women today in america are using their bodys and not their brains to get somewhere in the world, such as the girls from the play boy mansion they use their bodys to get richer, because that is what the world is turning into today. majority of men dont look at women the way they used to in the 40's or 50's where it was all about love and honesty. Today majority of women display themselves as naughty and dirty and thats the way men treate them because thats what they believe they want. many shows and programs have two side one that young teens dont see and one that is after hours levande explained how today after late hours you can watch uncensorde video in the clip that levande played a women who participate in the videos says its her ticket to get up in the world, its pretty sad that you have to use your body to get an inch higher into a slutty career, i mean what did the girl think she was going to be come a lawyer or doctor it makes it hard to move anywhere from where you are if you represent trash to the world. women believe the myth that women have sexual power, inwhich they can control the world with sex. They do this by their advertisments, dont get it wrong not all women act like trash to get somewhere in the world but they do evently change due to the fact that there albums arent selling enough or they need more sexy like the girl next door kind of thing that evently gives it up.
Thier are also many advertisment that use sex and pornography to sell their product, many videos suck a 50 cent in his p.i.m.p his video start off with the white ipod as a remote ummm noo their not trying to sell white ipods also women are being displayed in magazines demostarting that ipods can be a bikin hey it the new big thing it shows women and men that if they have this ipod they would be sexy or cool. many cable providers such as Direct Tv and Time Warner use famouse sexy stars to try and sell their hottest channels get it hottest meaning sex Direct Tv used beyounce in her comercial she sings let me up grade you wearing a gold slim short cut dress along with gold in her teeth at the end she state let me upgrade you to the hottest channels in cable, this shows her trying to sell her self to be to upgrade to the porn channels where they represent bootyliscous which is a pornographic film. But cable providers arent the only ones who are using sex to sell their product many resturants are to such as pizza hut, they use jessica simpson to sell thier new famouse pizza with the cheese bites as the crust she sings these cheese bites will have you walking instead of boots as she puts a pieace in a underage childs mouth with her breast hanging out soo the child wasnt intrested in the bits what do you think he was looking at umm. well this shows are world what its really coming to and levande does a magnificent job displaying the world with women, pop music and pornography.
Thier are also many advertisment that use sex and pornography to sell their product, many videos suck a 50 cent in his p.i.m.p his video start off with the white ipod as a remote ummm noo their not trying to sell white ipods also women are being displayed in magazines demostarting that ipods can be a bikin hey it the new big thing it shows women and men that if they have this ipod they would be sexy or cool. many cable providers such as Direct Tv and Time Warner use famouse sexy stars to try and sell their hottest channels get it hottest meaning sex Direct Tv used beyounce in her comercial she sings let me up grade you wearing a gold slim short cut dress along with gold in her teeth at the end she state let me upgrade you to the hottest channels in cable, this shows her trying to sell her self to be to upgrade to the porn channels where they represent bootyliscous which is a pornographic film. But cable providers arent the only ones who are using sex to sell their product many resturants are to such as pizza hut, they use jessica simpson to sell thier new famouse pizza with the cheese bites as the crust she sings these cheese bites will have you walking instead of boots as she puts a pieace in a underage childs mouth with her breast hanging out soo the child wasnt intrested in the bits what do you think he was looking at umm. well this shows are world what its really coming to and levande does a magnificent job displaying the world with women, pop music and pornography.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Learning Ideology,Image Icons and the Value of Images
How is an image icon connected to ideology? An image icon is connected to ideology by the values of images in are everyday life. icons are religous images that has sacred value, that presents universal concepts such as, emotions and meanings. For example, when you see a cross what do you think christianity or crusificion of christ. so an icon is an image and ideology is its value you us as human beings. I have also learned, that ideology is a powerful word and can be used crudely to show false representation to lure people into holding beliefs that conpromise their own intrested. ideology is to explore the meaning of images to recognize that they are produced within dynamics and social power, they also are systems of belief that exist within all cultures. ideology is seen everywhere in are lives its are values and beliefs ideologys are much like connotations that appears to be natural. ideology are produced and affirmed through the social instiutions that characerize a given society, such as family, education,medicine, the law ,the goverment, along with the entertainment industry etc...., ideology is the world of entertainment. ideologies go so far to it being are identiftication ,pictures ,video tapes anything that shows its you is your ideology and can be used as evidence in a court room. in other words ideology = images of you and your everyday life. images can be anything as far as a video, picture,camera records along with credit records and much more. A very good example of ideology would be O.J Simpsons murder trial their was a picture taken of O.J Simpsons that appeared on Times and News week Magazine , but what people dont know they made O.J face darker than it oppeared making him look evil like he would be the killer they also did this it looks like to imply that he is guilty before he even takes the stand. This shows how magazine publishers try to show the side of what they hear before they even know the truth they will do anything to sell there magazine. This example goes for advertisers to they put the best of the best artist, models and athlets along with what they advertising to make you believe that if you where to buy that product you would look or smell like that person. Advertisments and publisher try unconditonally to get into your mind to believe what they want you to believe about their product or drama on a star.
I like to think about icons as negative stimulus and at some time can be postive it is anything that gives brings back strong emotions that bring on a sense of sadness or happyness. icons can go from the littlest thing to the biggest thing in history that has a symbolic meaning to it to you.
Connotation is used strongly in the meaning of images they are used to signify cultural codes thier images that signify gendered racial, or class-specific meanings. image codes change though over different contexts, like a smile its meant many things thoughout history it could stand for a secreat like the mona lisa that emerged in the 1960's, A smile it could symbolize happiness, excitement etc ... these cultural codes have created many new meaning thorough technology to day like the smile face most seen at the end of messages. when you look into a picture or any kind of image you should always look at cultural codes meaning every little detail and what that detail could mean that would give you your value of images what that image means to you.
I like to think about icons as negative stimulus and at some time can be postive it is anything that gives brings back strong emotions that bring on a sense of sadness or happyness. icons can go from the littlest thing to the biggest thing in history that has a symbolic meaning to it to you.
Connotation is used strongly in the meaning of images they are used to signify cultural codes thier images that signify gendered racial, or class-specific meanings. image codes change though over different contexts, like a smile its meant many things thoughout history it could stand for a secreat like the mona lisa that emerged in the 1960's, A smile it could symbolize happiness, excitement etc ... these cultural codes have created many new meaning thorough technology to day like the smile face most seen at the end of messages. when you look into a picture or any kind of image you should always look at cultural codes meaning every little detail and what that detail could mean that would give you your value of images what that image means to you.
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