Today i went to a lecture on women, pop music and pornogrphy, this lecture by meredith levande, teaches students like my self what the world and women are turning into today. levande taught me that women today in america are using their bodys and not their brains to get somewhere in the world, such as the girls from the play boy mansion they use their bodys to get richer, because that is what the world is turning into today. majority of men dont look at women the way they used to in the 40's or 50's where it was all about love and honesty. Today majority of women display themselves as naughty and dirty and thats the way men treate them because thats what they believe they want. many shows and programs have two side one that young teens dont see and one that is after hours levande explained how today after late hours you can watch uncensorde video in the clip that levande played a women who participate in the videos says its her ticket to get up in the world, its pretty sad that you have to use your body to get an inch higher into a slutty career, i mean what did the girl think she was going to be come a lawyer or doctor it makes it hard to move anywhere from where you are if you represent trash to the world. women believe the myth that women have sexual power, inwhich they can control the world with sex. They do this by their advertisments, dont get it wrong not all women act like trash to get somewhere in the world but they do evently change due to the fact that there albums arent selling enough or they need more sexy like the girl next door kind of thing that evently gives it up.
Thier are also many advertisment that use sex and pornography to sell their product, many videos suck a 50 cent in his p.i.m.p his video start off with the white ipod as a remote ummm noo their not trying to sell white ipods also women are being displayed in magazines demostarting that ipods can be a bikin hey it the new big thing it shows women and men that if they have this ipod they would be sexy or cool. many cable providers such as Direct Tv and Time Warner use famouse sexy stars to try and sell their hottest channels get it hottest meaning sex Direct Tv used beyounce in her comercial she sings let me up grade you wearing a gold slim short cut dress along with gold in her teeth at the end she state let me upgrade you to the hottest channels in cable, this shows her trying to sell her self to be to upgrade to the porn channels where they represent bootyliscous which is a pornographic film. But cable providers arent the only ones who are using sex to sell their product many resturants are to such as pizza hut, they use jessica simpson to sell thier new famouse pizza with the cheese bites as the crust she sings these cheese bites will have you walking instead of boots as she puts a pieace in a underage childs mouth with her breast hanging out soo the child wasnt intrested in the bits what do you think he was looking at umm. well this shows are world what its really coming to and levande does a magnificent job displaying the world with women, pop music and pornography.
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