Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Commodity Culture And Commodity Fetishism

Commodity Culture And Commodity Fetishism

The United States is considered a commodity culture that is a culture in which commodites are central to cultureal meaning , if you dont know commodities are defined as things that are bought and sold in a social system of exchange. commodity also shows are world who we are the clothing we wear the music and cosmetics we use and the cars we drive. advetisments for example encourage consumers to think of commodities as central means throught which to convey as a stated in my last blog buy telling ese if you buy these products. many people who do these things are coke , puma and adidas brands , they use tactics such as sells a kind of pseudoinindividuality , which is defined as a feacture of the product of the culture industry, in which a false sense of you indiduality is sold simultaneously to many people. this changes are giving meaning and values its crucial to an understanding of consumer cultures.

marxist uses a good theory on capitalism functions its a system of valuses that most of our societies are so familiar with athat we rearly examine its underlying assumption, thats were commodites have both are values which refers to their particular use in a paricular sociey and exchange valuse. in chish refers to an exchange. its unbelieveable on that amount of things today that arent mad in the united states i work at a retal sotre jcpennys and everything is made in china these days, reare amount of things are made in the united states so that tells me that are united states is laxy they also would rether pay china to make are products in which we are to deal with several different disease form the podructs they use such as lead posison we get this form the cups and plates the paint they use is different from ares. thats why every year children and adults dye form this because its not caught fast enough. what also tells me about the united states is the labor wokr they would rather pay 10 cents an hour than paying are employees in united states 7.25 an hour the people in china dont need that much money like we do because things are cheaper their than hear. for example a gallion of milk can run 3 to 5 dollars depending on where you go thats crazy for milk.

many advertisers use things that are in style or the major population like to sell too such as the nike ad for 2007 the women are in a gym and they are considered looking like hell. they tell women wear nike and dont look like hell as if those who dont wear nike look like hell nike is adept at selling empowerment , (here , permission to " look like hell" at the gym while they retaining codes of gaxe and apperarnce mangagement. whats funny about this advertimsnet is thye dont look like hell/ what there seling is empoverment , independence and action. these girls dont look like there in you average gym they look as if there dance like of the move step up where its street dance. they give that impression that if you where nike you could dance and look tight and fit like these girls sorry but that would never happen advetisments win buy people buying whats on the cover not the product but the person on that cover or there point they try and to convey. the world today is turning into a big commodity culture everyone buys to make them self look better than the next person life should not be what you look like or display it should be what makes you different inside from everyone else. soo dont let advertisments buy you cause thats what they are trying to do , buy what you need and what fills your self aculization maslows theory of self fullfillment dosent say buying prodcuts would make you happy its love and belonging well i guess beloinging is where you think you have to buy that to be involved if people dont except you for who you are there not you friend. be smart not dum

-heidi rodriguez

1 comment:

  1. You seem to have a very good idea of commodity culture. I wrote an essay about Marx that I put on my blog at http://commodityfetishismmarx.blogspot.com/2010/02/why-does-commodity-fetishism-lead-to-or.html
