Friday, March 6, 2009



modernity is a term that schlors use to refer to the hisorical, cultural ,political, and economical conditions related to the enlightenment (An eighteenth- century philosophical movement) the rise of industrial society and scientific rationalism and the idea of controlling nature through technology,science and rationalism. modernization was part of instituting a capitalist economy and a liberal democacy in the united states , for the soviet union modernization in the form of industrialization and technolological advancementwas tied to a communist echos of eqaul benefit and living conditions for all citizens.

modern means many different meaning in culture and in years we use the term modern in an everyday sense to mean present or recent times or to refer to contemporary views and fashions. when it comes to art and culture germain scholar jurgen habermas explains that the concept of the modern jas been used over and overagain by societies since along time ago as late as the fifth century. modernity reached its highest during the nineteenth century and early tweentieth century with the increasing movement of poplulation from rural areas into cities.

also,many of the experiences of modernity increased urbanization, industrialism,along with technological change was linked tremendously to industrial capitalism that was supported by the ideological faith in the changes as being integral to the progress it has made. many cities are rated as different types of modern as for example new york ,chicago and paris are considered quintessentially modern, defined by architecture that capiture the echos of modernity by the usings of high tech materials such as metal and glass.

many modern ideals of the early twentieth century that master nature are made of iron,steel,glass and machine-like stuctures. one example that i think is amazing that was never built only a painting of it that you can see is made by vladimir tatlins monument to the third imternational, the modeling of this sculptor is amazing its 1,312 feet high the stucture itself consisted of a metal spirals frame at an angel thats amazings the shape of the sculptor is a cone and cube type figure. Tatlin the artist of this sculptor wanted to create the technologies the soviet unoin wanted to create in there time of transitions from scultors to arttist to poets,novels and film the world an street of many cities where becoming the age of life , with everything changing and the streets becoming busyier than ever this changed life for many individuals the new era opened up jobs the thousands of worker giving them a chance to make something of themselfs along with making money along with a career to follow around that.


The term spectatorship (indivdual who looks) and the spectatorship ( the practices of looking)

have added meaning that deprive specifically from film theory. not only do the spectator gaze that is contributed theough relationship between the subjects.the concept of gaze and spectatorship remain importantconrnerstones of visual studies because they prove a set of terms and methods to which is considered a aspect of looking or the viewer allowing us to consider in depth. The terms and mehtods are 1) the roles of the unconscious and desire in viewing practices. 2)the role of looking in the formation of the human subject as such. 3) the ways the looking is always a relational activity and not simply a mental activity engaged in by someone who forms internal mental representations that stand for passive image object"out there"

Disurse and power in modernity

In modernity, the gaze is constitued through a relationship of subjects defined within and through the discourse of institutions. the modern state and political systems that are dependent on bureaucracise and social instituions to function are important aspect of modernity. facaults concept of discourse is helpful to understanding how power systems work to define how things are under stood and spoken about. one of focaults topics of study for discourse was the concept of madness and the modern instuyionalzation of the idea of insanity.focalts has study many unhealthy things that human beings show that changed the world into its modern state.

-Hedy Rodriguez

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